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The Youth Forum

INR 1500/Year

  • Personalized Dashboard

  • Access to S2O Social Club marketplace & Business Consulting Services

  • Mentoring by the industry experts

  • Monthly workshops & event participation

  • Camping, Trekking & Excursions in groups

  • Placements in startups to gain exposure

  • 10% discount on training packages from our partners.

  • Free webinars, videos & monthly newsletter

  • Corporate & Industrial Visits

  • & much more

The Pink Circle

INR 2500/Year

  • Personalized dashboard

  • Access to S2O Social Club marketplace & avail Business Consulting Services

  • Monthly Networking Meets

  • Discounts on various services from our partners

  • Assisting in finding mentor to startup a venture

  • Travel assist  services from our partners

  • exposure for Personality development & Image Makeover Workshops

  • Showcase your talent and promote your products & Services.

  • Interection with successful Divas in our themed events

  • Monthly  Social Get Together

  • Membership card & Welcome Kit

  • & much more

 Forum For Entrepreneurs

INR 7500 / Year

  • Personalized dashboard

  • Access to S2O Social Club marketplace & avail Business Consulting Services

  • Monthly Business Networking Meetups

  • Access to Founder’s & Mentor Seminars & Workshops

  • Assist in funding

  • Discounts on various services from our partners

  • Free listing of business for 1 yr on S2O Social Club marketplace 

  • Social Media promotion

  • Ad in monthly newsletter

  • Promotion in partner events

  • Discounts on various services from our partners

  • Access to promotional events in exhibitions & Trade Fairs

  • Membership card & Welcome Kit

  • Free entry to all S2O Social Club events.

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